Northampton Co., NC - Petition for Dower of Sarah Rives

1799 Petition for Sarah Rives' Dower

Petition - Assignment of Sarah Rives' Dower


To the Worshipful the County Court of Pleas
And Quarter Sessions for the County of Northampton,
The petition of Sarah Rives, humbly sheweth,

That John Rives your Petitioner’s late husband, departed this life intestate sometime in the month of March in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and ninety nine and was seized and possessed at the time of his death of a tract of land lying in the county of Northampton, in which your Petitioner is entitled to her Dower. Your Petitioner further sheweth that the said John left the following Children his heirs at law, viz. Mary, Betsey, Winnefred, Thomas, Robert and Henry who are all infants under the age of twenty one, by reason of which your Petitioner cannot have her dower assigned without the assistance of this worshipful Court, she therefore prays that you would issue a writ directing the Sheriff to summon a Jury and lay off to y our petitioner her dower in said lands agreeable to law and that you would take such order respecting the infants of the said John as may seem meet and proper to your Worships & your Petitioner will be.
Charles W. Harris Atty

Note: This document is undated but the estate file for Sarah Rives is dated March 1799.


North Carolina, Estate Files, 1663-1979
Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Tuesday 29 of April, 2014 12:13:12 CDT by Beverly.