
1782 NC Grant to William Reaves

NC Land Grant to William Reaves

Wayne County, North Carolina
Record of Deeds
Book 1
1780 - 1785
No. 44

State of North Carolina No. 225 To all to whom these Presents shall come greetings Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of fifty Shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our Treasury by Wm. Reaves have given and granted and by these Presents do give and grant unto the sd William Reaves a certain tract of land Containing five hundred acres lying and being in our County of Dobbs on Brooks Swamp joining his own line Beginning at a pine on this own line between Road and Brook's Swamp & South 100 poles to a white oak then Ewt 220 poles to a pine then So. 125 poles to a pine then East 255 poles to a pine then North 225 poles to a pine then . . . .

Note 1. The microfilm page ends at this point and does not continue on the next page. It is apparent that in this portion of the microfilm several pages are missing or mixed up.

Note 2. The date of this document would be recorded at the end of the document; however, the end of the document is not found on the microfilm. Dates of similar state land grants before and after this document reflect dates from January 1782 to April 1782.

From other sources it can be determined that William Reeves received a 500 acres on Brooks Swamp adjoining his own line between the Road and the Swamp on November 10, 1779. (Margaret M. Hofmann, North Carolina Abstracts of State Grants, Volume One, p. 68).

The length of elapsed time from the purported date of the document (November 10, 1779) to the date it is believed recorded (January - April 1782) is not unusual for this period.

Note 3. Because the above grant makes a reference to an earlier line of William Reeves it can be concluded that William was in this area before November 1779.

Note 4. The grant process began when the area was still in Dobbs County as evidenced by the reference to Dobbs County in the document. The grant was recorded in Wayne County that formed in November 1779 from the western part of Dobbs County.

Contributors to this page: @TRP-GC and Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 23 of May, 2012 03:32:15 CDT by @TRP-GC.