Wake Co., NC Deed - Ship to Samuel Reavis

1800 Deed - Tiller Ship to Samuel Reavis

Deed - Tiller Ship to Samuel Reavis

Wake County, North Carolina
Deed Book 2, Pg 410
25 Mar 1800


T. Ship
S. Reavis
This Indenture made this twenty fifth day of march in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred Between Tiller Ship of the County of Wake and State of No. Carolina of the one part and Samuel Reavis of the County & State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the sd Tiller Ship for and in Consideration of the sum of two Hundred and twenty five Silver dollars to him in hand paid before the Sealing & delivery of these presents The receipt whereof he doth acknowledge and himself fully satisfied, Hath Given Granted bargained Sold and confirmed and by these presents doth give Grant Bargain Sell and confirm unto the sd Samuel Reavis his Heirs and assigns forever a certain Tract or parcel of land Situate lying and being in the county aforesaid on Both sides of Laurel Creek Beginning at Pointers on said Creek at the mouth of the dividing drain running thence up the drain to an ash at the head thereof thence North 55 West 95 poles to a post oak in an old line - thence south sd line South 160 poles to a corner pine thence crossing sd Creek near the fork East 240 poles to a redbud --- & corner marked off for James Reavis, and thence a long a line of Marked trees to the beginning containing 111 acres be the same more or less if being part of a Tract of Land of Robert Belvin Decd and by sd deceasd willed to his daughter Nancy, the wife of the sd Tiller Ship recourse being had to the Decd and will (will) more fully appear with all and Singular the rights Hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto Belonging or in anywise appertaining To have and to hold the sd Bargained Premises to the only Proper use and Behoof of him the Sd Samuel Reavis his Heirs and assigns forever And the Sd Tiller Ship doth for himself his heirs Executors & administrators covenant and agree that the sd Samuel Reavis may forever hereafter have hold use occupy possess & Enjoy the sd Tract of Land without any Hindrance or Interruption whatsoever and the sd Tiller Ship doth further agree to and with the saidSamuel Reavis his Heirs Executors Administrators & assigns that the sd Bargained Premises is free & discharged from all manner of Incumbrances and that this deed is Good and Valid to all intents and purposes both in law & Equity and that he the sd Tiller Ship will warrant and forever defend the Title of the same against the claims of any persons whatsoever In Testimony whereof he hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his Seal the day & date above Written

Signed Sealed and Executed   §                                                                 Tiller Ship (Seal)
in the Presence of                      §
A. Parham Jurat
William Parham

Wake County…………………..September Sessions 1800
            The within deed was proved by the Oath of Avery Parham a Witness thereto and Ordered to be registered. - Nathl Lane CC

Registered in the registers Office of Wake County in Book 2 and page 410 the 28th day of July 1801. - Willis Hinton regr.

Examd N. Lane


Wake County NC Deed Book 2, pg 410 online scanned originals at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Sunday 07 of June, 2020 19:00:17 CDT by Beverly.