Deed - George Reves to Joseph Doughton
Ashe County, North Carolina
Deed Book A, p. 211
George Reves to Joseph Doughton a Deed 100 acresThis Indenture made the 26th day of January Ano Domini one thousand Eight Hundred and one Between George Reves of the County of Grayson of the County of Ashe and State of North Carolina witnesseth that he the said George for and in consideration of the sum one Hundred pounds to him in hand paid by the said Joseph the Receipt whereof the sd George Doth acknowledge and himself there with fully satisfied and paid hath granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely grant bargain sell convey and confirm with the said Joseph his Heirs and assigns forever a tract of land containing one Hundred acres lying and being in the County of Ashe on New River adjoining the Virginia line Begining at two locusts Saplins on the Virginia line near the bank of said River Runing then South one Hundred and nine polls crossing a branch to two Red oaks then west two Hundred and ninteen (sic) polls to a Stake and chestnut tree then North one Hundred and nine polls to a Stake in the virginia line then East two Hundred and ninteen (sic) polls to the first Station with every Right title and privilege and Emolument to the said land belonging or in any wise appertaining and the sd. George doth bind himself his Heirs Executors well and truly to warrant and ever Defend the aforesaid premises with all the appertainences (sic) to him the sd Joseph his Heirs and assigns free and clear of all incumberances (sic) and claims whatsoever in witness whereof the said George hath signed sealed and delivered in presents of Test
Charles Copland George Reves (Seal)
Francis Sturgill } North Carolina } February term 1802
Samuel Robinett } Ashe County } the within Deed
was Duly proven in open Court by the oath of Samuel
Robinett in order to be Registered
Test Jno. McMillan C.C.C.