Orange Co., NC - Deed, James Mitchell to Archibald Reeves

1801 Deed - James Michell to Archibald Reeves

Deed - Mitchell to Archibald Reeves

Orange County, North Carolina
Deed Book 9, p. 286
2 Mar 1801


THIS INDENTURE made this Second day of March one thousand Eight hundred and one between James Mitchell of Orange County & State of North Carolina of the one part and Archibald Reeves of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said James Mitchell for the consideration of the Sum of One hundred & fifty seven pounds ten shillings to him in hand paid by the said Archer Reeves the Receipt whereof the said Mitchell doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted and by then presents doth give grant bargain and sell alien enfeof release and confirm unto the said Archer Reeves apart of the Lott of two acres known in the plan of the Town adjacent to the building of the University of North Carolina by No. 14 and lately occupied by Bennett Watson and sold as his property by the Sheriff of said County that part of said Lott with the appurtenances thereunto belonging the said James Mitchell give grant and sell unto the said Reeves his heirs and assigns forever and the said James Mitchell doth covenant & agree to and with the said Reeves & his heirs that he the said James Mitchell will warrant and defend the said part of a Lott before described to the said Archd. Reeves his heirs and assigns forever In Witness whereof the said James Mitchell hath hereunto set his hand & Seal the day & year first above written.
Signed Sealed & acknowledged            James Mitchell (SS)
In presence of                         § Orange County August Term 1801
T. Searcy                                     The Execution of the within Deed was duly proved
Lambert Robinson                     in open Court by the Oath of Thomas Searcy
                                                    a subscribing witness thereto & ordered to be
                                                                        Test           Jno Taylor CC
Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Sunday 11 of May, 2014 21:27:01 CDT by Beverly.