Will of John Reaves

1801 Will - John Reaves

Will of John Reaves

Greene County, Tennessee
Wills Book 1, pgs 34-35
8 Mar 1801
Probated April 1803


In the name of God amane (sic) I John Reves of the State of Tennessee and County of Greene being perfect in mind but weak in boddy blessed be God but call to mind the mortality of my boddy and that it is appointed for all men Once to die do this eighth day of March; one thousand eight hundred and one do make, Constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say first and principally I recommend my soul unto the hands of Almighty God who give it me beseaching (sic) his most gratious acceptance there oft and nothing doubting but that I shall receive it again at the general resurrection by the mighty power of God my boddy I commend to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in a deacent (sic) manner at the descration (sic) of my Executors hereafter named and as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this my life I give and dispose of in manner and form following. Viz
First I desire that all my just debts may be paid which I shall Owe at my death. Then leve (sic) to my beloved wife Elizabeth Reves during her natural life my hole estate houses lands, and all other kinds of my property and at her death I do leave and bequath (sic) to my two beloved daughters Milly and Martha eighty Acres of land including the house that I now live in my Spring and Orchard as their first right and property likewise I live them two horses, two cows two sheep two wheels and one beds this to be theirs and their heirs for ever the rest of my lands and property is to be sold to the greater advantage and then be eaqually (sic) divided amongst the rest of my beloved children and I appoint my beloved Wife Elizabeth Reves and Henry Dyke Sr. to be my Executors after my decese (sic) to this my last Will and Testament revoking and disannulling all former Wills and allowing this to be my last as Witness my hand and Seal this day and year above written
Signed Sealed and acknowledged
In the presence
G. Was. Woods                                                                                            John Reves
Henry Dyke Jur.
Frederick Hail

Tuesday 28th April 1803
Whereas it appears to the Court here that John Reves late of this County is dead and hath made his Last Will and Testament in Writing in which he hath appointed Elizabeth Reves & Henry Dyke Senr. His Executrix & executor which Will hath been exhibited into Court & proved as the law directs – It is therefore ordered by the Court that letters Testamentary of all and Singular the Goods and Chattels rights and Credits which were of the said John Reves dec.d issue to the said Elizabeth Reves and Henry Dyke Senr. They being qualified agreeable to law.


Greene County TN Wills Book 1, pgs 34-35, online scanned images at Family Search