Mason Co., KY - 1801 Deed, Lewis Craig to Asa Reeves

1801 Deed - Lewis Craig to Asa Reeves

Deed - Lewis Craig to Asa Reves

Mason County Kentucky
Deed Book C1, 1799-1803, pp. 249-250
3 August 1801
FHL Film #0281784, Part 1

Note in margin: Delivered to Reeves 16th May 1816
THIS INDENTURE made this third day of August One Thousand Eight Hundred and one Between Lewis Craig of Mason County and State of Kentucky of the one part and Asa Reves Assinee of James Wilson Deceased of Fleming County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth That the said Craig for and in Consideration of the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars Current money of Kentucky to him the said Craig in hand paid the receipt Whereof he doth Hereby acknowledge HATH granted Bargained & Sold and doth by these presents grant bargain & Sell unto the Said Reeves and his Heirs a Certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being on the waters of Fleming & fork of Licking being a part of Mosleys Large Survey in Fleming County Containing Seven Hundred & twenty Acres, and Bounded as followeth (Viz) BEGINNING at a Hackberry & ash the South West Corner of said Craigs part of the second Grand division of Said large Survey Runing thence North twenty two East Three hundred and Sixty poles to a Stake thence South Seventy one degrees East Three hundred and twenty poles to a Stake thence South Twenty two degrees West three hundred and Sixty poles to a Stake in Davises Line North Seventy one Degrees West Three Hundred & twenty poles to the Beginning Together with its appurtenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or parcel of Land be the same more or Less with all its appurtenances to the said Reeves his heirs and assigns, to the Sole use and behoof of the said Reeves his heirs and assigns forever and the said Craig for himself and his heirs doth Covenant to and with the Said Reeves and his heirs that he the Said Craig and his Heirs the said tract or parcel of Land with its appurtenances to the Sd. Reeves & his Heirs against him the said Craig and all other persons whatsoever will forever Warrant and Defend. In Witness whereof the said Craig hath hereunto Subscribed his name and affixed his Seal the day and year above written
Signed and Delivered
in presence of us                                     Lewis Craig SEAL

I William Murphy deputy Clerk of the Washington district Court do Certify that this Indenture from Lewis Craig to Asa Reeves assee. of James Wilson decd. was this day produced before me acknowledged by the said Lewis Craig a party thereto and is duly recorded in the office of the Said Court Given under my hand this 5th day of August 1801
                                                                        William Murphy

Transcribed by Lois Downey

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Sunday 24 of March, 2013 06:33:45 CDT by Beverly.