South Carolina Anderson County Mesne Conveyances
Volume G
p. 167
Know all men by these presents that I James Nash of Pendleton District and State of South Carolina have bargained and sell to George Nash of the District and State aforesaid one Negro Boy named Harry and one Negro girl named Ross(?) for the consideration of three hundred dollars the Receipt of which I hereby acknowledge . . . Under my hand this nineteenth day of October Anno Domini one thousand Eight hundred and one. Signed Sealed and Subscribed within presents of
James Nash
John Reeves
W. Solomon Pruit
South Carolina
Pendleton District
Personally came before me the subscribing Justice John Reeves Jun and made oath that he did see James Nash of said District Sigh Seal and deliver the within Bill of Sale to George Nash of said District Sworn before me this 19th October 1801.
P. Norris
John Reeves
Recorded 24th December 1802
Volume G
p. 167
Know all men by these presents that I James Nash of Pendleton District and State of South Carolina have bargained and sell to George Nash of the District and State aforesaid one Negro Boy named Harry and one Negro girl named Ross(?) for the consideration of three hundred dollars the Receipt of which I hereby acknowledge . . . Under my hand this nineteenth day of October Anno Domini one thousand Eight hundred and one. Signed Sealed and Subscribed within presents of
James Nash
John Reeves
W. Solomon Pruit
South Carolina
Pendleton District
Personally came before me the subscribing Justice John Reeves Jun and made oath that he did see James Nash of said District Sigh Seal and deliver the within Bill of Sale to George Nash of said District Sworn before me this 19th October 1801.
P. Norris
John Reeves
Recorded 24th December 1802