Franklin Co., NC - 1802 Deed - Joshua Gordan to William Reaves

1802 Deed - Gordon to William Reaves

Deed - Joshua Gordan to William Reaves

Franklin County, North Carolina
Deed Book 13, Page 47
10 February 1802

THIS indenture made this tenth day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and two, between Joshua Gordan of the County of Franklin and State of North Carolina of the one part and William Reaves of the Same County and State of the other part, Witnesseth, that for the consideration of Ninety pounds Virginia Currency to him in hand paid by the Said William Reaves before the Sealing hereof the receipt Whereof he the Said Joshua Gordan doth hereby Acknowledge himself thereunto fully Satisfied and paid; he the Said Joshua Gordan hath given granted Bargained Sold and delivered unto the Said William Reaves his Heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of Land Lying and being in the County of Franklin Situate on the waters of Cedar Creek Bounded as follows beginning at an Ash On a branch in Wily Rowlands Line thence South to a pine in Sampsons Wiggins's line thence East to an Oak on a branch in Cooks line thence North Down the Various Courses of the sd. branch to a Maple in Moses Neals line thence West to a Branch thence up the Said Branch to the first Station Containing one hundred fifty Acres of land be the Same more or less together with all woods waters - Houses out Houses Orchards Gardens and all other Appurtenances unto the Said Land belonging or in any way appertaining thereunto to have and to hold the Said Land and premises and he the sd. Joshua Gordain (sic?) doth for him self his Heirs and Assigns warrant and forever defend the Land and premises from the lawful Right or Claim of any person or persons whatsoever in Witness whereof I the sd. Joshua Gordain (sic?) do hereunto set my hand and Seal this tenth day of February one thousand Eight hundred and two, Interlined by the aforesd -

Signed Sealed & delivered in the presents of us ~
Rowland (his X mark) Freeman §           Joshua (his X mark) Gordain (Seal)
Cadar (his X mark) Felts           §

Franklin County - March Sessions 1803
The foregoing Deed was exhibited in Open Court and duly proved by the Oath of Cadar (sic ?) Felts and On Motion ordered to be Recorded -
              Test G. Hill, Jr CC

The foregoing Deed is truly Registered - Test Jas Perry P.R.

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Page last modified on Friday 16 of August, 2013 14:25:09 CDT by Beverly.