Mason Co., KY - 1803 Deed - Bigger to Austin Smith Reeves

1803 Deed - John Bigger to Austin Reeve

Deed - John Bigger to Austin Reeve

Mason County, Kentucky
Deed Book A-C, p. 106-108
11 Mar 1803
FHL Film #0281784, Part 2

This Indenture made this Eleventh Day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and three Between John Bigger of clarke county and commonwealth of Kentucky of the one part and Austin Reeve of Mason County and Commonwealth aforesaid on the other part Witnesseth that the said John Bigger for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty Pounds the receipt whereof the said John Bigger do hereby acknowledge and forever acquit and discharge the said Austin Reeve and also all and singular the heirs of said Austin Reeve have granted Bargained and sold aliened and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain sell alien and confirm to the said Austin Reeve A certain tract or parcel of land situate and lying in the County of mason aforesaid Containing one hundred and --ty one acres bounded as follows Viz: Beginning at Saml Reeves corner or post in the creek thence with his line (?) the creek south 8 West seventy three poles, thence south twenty four west; Twenty nine poles to his corner thence with the line of Stephen White down the middle of the creek south eighteen west seventy poles to his corner a post in the creek thence south eighty seven west one hundred and sixty poles to a white oak thence North three west one hundred and sixty poles to a sugar tree and white walnut thence north eighty seven east and two hundred and thirteen poles to the Beginning To have and to hold, the above described premises hereby conveyed with all and singular the appurtenances and priviledges thereunto belonging to him the said Austin Reeve. And the said John Bigger his heirs Executors and administrators do covenant promise and agree to and with the said Austin Reeve his heirs executors and administrators, and by these presents that the said John Bigger has full right and Lawful authority to sell and dispose of the same and that the premises are free from all incumbrances whatsoever and the said John Bigger his heirs and assigns do covenant to and with Austin Reeve and his heirs aforesaid that he the said John Bigger will warrant and forever defend the aforesaid premises to the said Austin Reeve and his heirs against the Lawful claims of any person or persons whomsoever In witness whereof he the said John Bigger hath hereunto set his hands and affixed his seal the day and year above written.
Signed sealed and                              }
delivered in presence of                 }                                     John Bigger (Seal)
W Payne
Nicholas Peddicord
John (his I mark) Peddicord

Be it known that whereas the within named John Bigger did by his Deed of feofment bearing date in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six May twenty fourth convey unto Austin Reeve three hundred acres of land and whereas there is a part of the said land lost it is always to be remembered that the within deed of conveyance in Lieu of the former unto said Reeve and further that by this indorsement the former Deed is made null and void to all intents and purposes and the within to remain in full force In witness whereof we have set our hands and seals the date with written.
Signed sealed and                               }                                     Austin Reeve (Seal)
delivered in the presence of           }                                     John Bigger (Seal)
W. Payne
Nicholas Peddicord
John (his I mark) Peddicord

State of Kentucky Mason Circuit Sct
I Frances Taylor Clerk of the Court of the Circuit aforesaid do certify that this Indenture from John Bigger to Austin Reeve and also the writing & agreement hereon endorsed between the said Austin Reeve and the said John Bigger was on the 14th day of November 1803 produced before me and proved by the oaths of William Payne & John Peddicord subscribing witnesses thereto and on this day proved by the oath of Nicholas Peddicord another subscribing witness thereto and are both duly recorded in my office. Given under my hand the 25th day of November 1803.
                                                                        Francis Taylor

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Saturday 23 of February, 2013 11:32:29 CST by Beverly.