1804 Deed - William White to Zachariah Reves

1804 Deed - William White to Zachariah Reves

1804 Deed - William White to Zachariah Reves

Union County, SC
10 April 1804
Deed Book H p132


South Carolina      }
Union District       }
Know all men by these presents that I William White Senr of the above State & district for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred Dollars to me paid by Zechariah Reves the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged have Granted Bargained sold released & by these presents do Grant Bargain Sell & release unto the said Zechariah Rees all that tract of land whereon said Reves now lives lying in the above State & district on the waters of Bigg Sandy run Creek binding as follows viz Beginning corner a lightwood steak? Binding on Hugus land from thence running on said line to a Branch from thence down said Branch to John Hendersons line from binding on said line untill it meets the main branch from said Reeves & Richard Berry's Spring from thence up said Branch to where Reves & Berrys Branches meets from thence up Reves Branch to said Berrys land thence on Berrys line to Ellis Fowlers land from thence a direct line across Drury James Spring Branch to a maypole from thence a conditioned direct line to the beginning corner Containing one hundred acres more or less together with all & Singular the rights members hereditaments & appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining To have & to hold all & Singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Zechariah Reves his heirs & assigns forever and I do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors & administrators to warrant & forever defend all & singular the said premises unto the said Zechariah Reves his heirs & assigns agaisnt myself my heirs & assigns & against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof in witness whereof said White hath hereunto set his hand & seal this 10th of April 1804
James LaneWilliam White (Seal)
Susannah (her mark) White
State of South Carolina       }
District of Union                   } James Lane appeared personally before me this day after being duly sworn as law directs saith that he saw William White sign seal & deliver the within deed to Zechariah Reves for the use & purpose within mentioned & that he saw the other witness sign her name to the same as subscribing witness sworn & subscribed to before me this 28th of April 1804
Jeremiah Lucas J QJames Lane


FamilySearch.org - Union County, SC Deed Book H p132