1805 - Deed from John Reaves to Solomon Grantham
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record of Deeds
Book 8
1804 - 1807
No. 119
This Indenture made the Twenty six day of Jan'y in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five Between John Reaves of the one part of the aforesaid State and County (not stated) and Solomon Grantham of the aforesaid Sate and County Witnessneth that he the said John Reaves for and in Consideration of the sum of five Dollars to me in hand paid by the said Solomon Grantham the recpt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself paid and Contented have give given granted & Bargained Sold and delivered unto the said Solomon Grantham his heir and assigns forever a Certain piece or parcel of land Situate lying and bring in the aforesaid State & County of Wayne on the South side of the Horse Swamp and Bounded as follows (viz) Beginning at a White Oak on the South side of the run of said Swamp and runs down the swamp as it meanders to a water oak near the run of the Swamp on the South side of the Swamp thence along Hoods (Roads?) line to a red oak on that line thence along said line South to a red oak then (unreadable) West 36 pole to a pine thence North a Stake line to the Beginning a white oak Containing Five acres more or less To have and to hold the said land and premises with all appurtenances thereunto Belonging and I do hereby warrant and forever will defend the same to the said Solomon Grantham his heirs and assigns forever from me and my heirs forever in Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal the 26th January 1805.
John Reaves
In presence of
Needham Grantham
Frederick Grantham
Feby Co. 1805