1805 Will - Daniel Reeve

1805 Will - Daniel Reeve

1805 Will - Daniel Reeve


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Liber B, p363
Dated: 13 Nov 1805
Proved: 15 Apr 1806


In the name of God Amen I Daniel Reeve of Smithtown County of Suffolk & State of New York do on this thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & five make & ordain this to be my last will & Testament in the manner & form following that is to say I will & order that all my just debts & funeral charges shall be paid as soon as convenient after my decease by my executors here after named in the next place I give & bequeath unto my wife Tabitha all my farming utencials household furniture & stock of cattle & horses that I may die possessed of Together with the sum of five hundred Dollars all which I give to my said wife Tabitha in Lieu of her right of Dower of theirs
secondly I give & bequeath unto my daughter Catharine Augusta Reeve five thousand Dollars
thirdly I give & bequeath unto my nephew Henry Reeve five hundred dollars (a note from the said Henry to me for four hundred dollars to be included) & my single Horse Carriage and harness to him the said Henry Reeve and to his heirs and assigns forever
fourthly I give & bequeath unto my brothers Thomas Reeve and James Reeve my watch wearing apparel and trunks that I may die possessed of to them & their heirs & assigns
fifthly I give & bequeath all the residue & remainder of my estate if any there may be not heretofore disposed of unto my said Daughter Catharine Augusta & to her heirs & assigns forever and it is further my will that if my said Daughter Catharine Augusta should die under age or without lawfull issue that the legacies herein bequeathed to the said Catherine Augusta shall be given to my three nephews Henry Reeves Jesse Reeves & Luther Reeve share and share alike excepting two hundred & fifty Dollars to be given to Catharine to them & their heirs & assigns forever and I do lastly authorise and appoint major Mills Phillips Henry Reeve& James Sell Junr to be executors of this my last will & testament
In witness whereunto I the said Daniel Reeve have set my hand & affixed my seal the day & date first written in presence of us the subscribing witnesses who signed our names in the presence of the testator
Daniel Reeve
John Devereux Thomas Halliok
Moses Blackly

Suffolk County SS: Be it remembered that on the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six personally came and appeared before Nicoll Floyd Surrogate of the said County Thomas Hallick of Smith town in the County aforesaid and being duly sworn on his oath declared that he saw Daniel Reeve sign & seal an instrument in writing purporting to be the will of the said Daniel Reeve bearing date the thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five (the preceeding whereof is a true copy and heard him publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testament that at the time thereof he the said Daniel Reeve was of sound disposing mind and memory to be best of the knowledge and belief of him the deponent and that his name subscribed as a witness to the said will is of his own proper hand writing and that he saw John Devereaux and Moses Blackly subscribe their names as witnesses thereto at the same time in presence of the testator
Nicoll Floyd


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber B, p363