1805 Deed - John Rives to William Richardson Davie

1805 Deed - John Rives to William Richardson Davie

1805 Deed - John Rives to William Richardson Davie

Chester County, SC
Deed Book N, p152
31 Dec 1805


State of South Carolina
Know all men by these presents that I John Rives of the District of Chester State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred and fifty Dollars to me in hand paid by William Richardson Davie of the District and State aforesaid have granted Bargained Sold and Released and by these presents do Grant Bargain sell and Release unto the said William Richardson Davie his heirs and assigns all that plantation or tract of land containing one hundred acres situate in said District on the west side of the Catawba River Beginning at a large Black Oak thence South 10 East forty chains to a Stake by a Spanish Oak joining Watkins land thence No 85 East twenty five chains to a persimmon tree joining said David Land, thence North 16 West & forty chains to a stake on said Davis line, and thence South 85 West twenty five chains on said line to the Beginning. Being the same tract of land sold and conveyed to Patrick Graves to me as will appear by his deed of Record with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold all and singular the said premises with the appurtenances unto the said William Richardson Davie his heirs and assigns forever. And I do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors and administrators to warrant and forever Defend the said tract of one hundred acres and all and singular said premises Described unto the said William Richardson Davie his heirs and assigns against myself and my heirs and against every other person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof
Witness my hand and seal this thirty first day of December in the year Eighteen Hundred and five and the thirtieth of American Independence
Executed in presence ofJohn Rives (Seal)
John MClinchan
Benjm Rives

State of South Carolina
Benjamin Rives the subscribing witness to the within Deed made oath Before me that he saw John Rives Sign and acknowledge the within Deed according to Law
Sworn the 31st of Decr 1805Benjn Rives
John MClinchan Qu


Chester County, SC Deed Book N, p152