Deed - William Reeves, Jr. to William Moore
Wake County, North Carolina
Will Book 5, Pg 156
16 Sep 1806
William Reeves §to
Wm. Moore §
This Indenture made the Sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred & Six Between William Reavis (sic Reeves), Junr of Wake County of the one part & William Moore of the sd. County of the other part, Witnesseth, that the said William Reavis (sic Reeves) for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred & thirty pounds Currency to him in hand paid by the sd. Moore, the receipt whereof the sd. Reavis (sic Reeves) doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted, Bargained & sold & by these presents doth give grant, bargain & sell unto the sd. Moore a tract of land lying in the County aforesaid, Containing by Estimation, One hundred & Thirty Acres be the same more or less on the South side of Elebeys Creek, & bounded as follows, Beginning at a Hickory on sd. Creek in Holloways line, running thence with sd. line South 40° East 60 poles to a water oak, thence South 22 poles to a Willow on Charles Reaves (sic Reeves) spring Branch, thence up the various courses of sd. Branch, South & South Easterly 128 poles to a persimmon tree on said Branch in Saml. Peakes line, near an old field, thence with said line North 25° East 122 poles to a post oak, thence West 70° West 20 poles to a pine thence North 23° East 48 poles to a small red oak in sd. Peakes line, thence North 58 poles to a hickory on the Bank of sd. creek, thence up the various courses of sd. Creek, to the Beginning & the sd. William Reaves (sic Reeves) doth for himself his heirs & assigns doth Warrant & Defend the above granted land & premises unto the sd. William Moore and to his heirs & assigns forever agst. the lawful claims of all & every person, or persons whatsoever In Witness whereof the sd. William Reavis (sic Reeves) hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day & year above written.
Signed Sealed & delivered William Reavis (Seal)
In presence of §
L. Bledsoe §
Woodson Daniel §
North Carolina
The Execution of the within Deed from William Reavis (sic Reeves) to William Moore was duly proved before me on the day of the date hereof by the Oath of Lewis Bledsoe, one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto, Therefore let it be Registered.
Given under my hand at Granville County this 4th day of March AD 1822. J. R. Donnell G.C.
Registered in the Registers Office of Wake County in Book No. 156 (sic Book 5, Pg 156) the 1st day of April A.D. 1822.
R. Smith Regr.