1807 - Deed from Lee Reaves of Hancock County, GA to Stephen Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record of Deeds
Book 8
1804 - 1807
No. 361
This Indenture made this ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred & Seven (unreadable) Lee Reaves of the County of Hancock and State of Georgia of the one part and Stephen Reaves of the County of Wayne and State of North Carolina of the other part Witness all that I the said Lee Reaves for and in Consideration of the sum of One Hundred and Seventy five pounds to me in hand paid by the said Stephen Reaves the receipt and payment whereof is hereby acknowledged and myself therewith fully satisfied Contented and paid have given granted & Bargained and sold unto him the said Stephen Reaves his heirs and assigns a Certain tact or parcel of land Situate lying and being in the County of Wayne on both sides of Brooks Swamp and bounded as follows that is to say Beginning at a pine and post oak in Slocumbs field on the line and runs with his line East 127 pole to a poplar on Elijah Branch then with his other line So. 56 pole to read oak his other corner then with Stephen Reaves's line So. 77 pole to a pine then South 9 Wt 100 pole to a post oak then to crossing the old to the head of the middle field branch then down said Branch as it runs to the run of Brooks Swamp then down the run of Said Swamp to where George Jurnegans line Crosses it then with his line NO to the Beginning Containing by estimation One Hundred acres be the same more or less with all the improvements and appurtenances to the said land and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining and I the said Lee Reaves to Covenant promise and agree for myself my heirs Executor and administrators and assigns forever to Warrant and forever defend the aforesaid Land and premises unto him the said Stephen Reaves his heirs Executors or administrators in full Testimony Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal the day and date first above stated
Lee Reaves
Signed Sealed and Acknowledged
in the presence of us
Lovett Reaves
Ezekiel Slocumb
Feby Co. 1807