1807 Deed - Edmond Reaves to Burnel Russel

1807 Deed - Edmond Reaves to Burnel Russel

1807 Deed - Edmond Reaves to Burnel Russel


Greene County, Georgia
Deed Book 5, p404
18 Feb 1807


This Indenture made this Eighteenth day of February one thousand Eight Hundred and seven between Edmund Reaves of the County of Greene and State of Georgia of the one part and Burnel Russel of the county and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of fifty Dollars to me in Hand paid the receipt is hereby acknowledged have bargained sold Released and confirmed and by these presents do Bargain sell Release and confirm and by these presents do Bargain sell Release and confirm unto Burnel Russel all that lot of land lying in the fourth District of Wilkinson on Black creek containing two Hundred two and a half acres more or less known by the number two hundred and sixty Bounded Northeast by lot No. 265 No West by lot No 259 South West by lot No 239 and S East by lot No 261 To have and to hold the aforesaid tract of land and premises with all and singular the rights members and appertenances thereunto belonging unto him the said Bennet Russel his heirs and assigns forever and I the said Edmund Reaves do for myself my heirs executors Admrs and assigns forever warrant and defend the aforesaid tract of land and premises with all the Improvements thereunto belonging unto him the said Burnal Russel his heirs and assigns forever free from all rights Titles and Demands of me the said Edmund Reaves my Heirs &c and all and Every other person or persons whatever - In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written -
Thos Calier                                         }Edmund Reaves (seal)
John (his mark) Vanlandingham  }

Georgia                 }
Greene County    } This day came Thomas Colier before me who being duly sworn made oath that he saw the within named Edmund Reaves sign seal and Deliver the within Deed to Burnal Russel for the purpose therein contained and that he was a subscribing witness with John Vanlandingham to the aforesaid Deed - Sworn to before me this 30th day of April 1810
E Ribbins}Thomas Colier


Greene County, Georgia Deed Book 5, p404