Deed - Fuller to Thompson
South Carolina Anderson County Mesne Conveyances
Volume I & J
p. 302
State of South Carolina
Know all men by these presents that I Benjamin Fuller of the District of Pendleton and State aforesaid in consideration of two hundred and ten dollars to me paid by James Thompson of the District and State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold and released unto the said James Thompson all that tract or parcel of land situate in Pendleton District on a branch of Beaver Creek containing one hundred and fifteen acres granted to Peter Bremar By his Excellency William Moultrie the sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty six it being part of said tract which was granted to Peter Bremar the east side of Beaver Creek and West of the General road was boundary of on Benjamin Fuller East Daniel McCoy north Anzel Jarrod (Jarrot?) West Jas. Thompson South Together with all and singular the rights members and Hereditments to the said premises belonging to or in anyway incident or appurtaining to Have and hold all and singular the said premises before mentioned unto the said Jas. Thompson his heirs and assigns forever I the said Benjamin Fuller do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors and administrators to warrant an forever defend all and singular the sd premises unto the said Jas. Thompson his heirs and assigns against myself my heirs and assigns and against any person whosever lawfully claiming or to claim or any part thereof Witness my hand and Seal this twelfth day of January Eighteen hundred and Eight and in the thirty second year of the Independence of the Untied States of America Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
Benjamin (X) Fuller
James Garner
Mauldin Reeves
(Nancy Fuller released dower rights before P. Keys, Justice of the Quorum, September 23, 1808)
South Carolina
Pendleton District
Personally appeared before me Mauldin Reeves who being sworn on this oath saith he saw Benjamin Fuller sign seal and as his act did deliver the within release unto the within named James Thompson for the uses and purposes within mentioned and that James Garner was a subscribing witness to the same Sworn and Subscribed before me Sept. 23rd 1808 Mauldin Reeves
P. Keys
Recorded 27th Oct. 1808