1810 Deed – George Reeves Sr. and wife to James Summer
Grayson County, Virginia
Deed Book 2, p. 541
17 May 1810
This Indenture made this seventeenth day of May Anno dommini (sic) One thousand eight hundred and ten, between George Reeves senr. and Jane his wife of Grayson County and State of Virginia of the one part and James Summer of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth, that the said George Reeves senr and Jane his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred Dollars to him in hand paid by the said James Summer the receipt whereof the said George Reeves and Jane Reeves doth hereby acknowledge and themselves therewith fully satisfied and paid hath Granted, bargained, sold conveyed and confirmed in fee simple of and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely grant bargain, sell Convey and confirm unto the said James Summer his heirs and assigns forever a certain Tract of land containing One hundred Acres by Survey lying and being in the County of Grayson and State aforesaid and bounded as followeth towit Beginning at a Spanish Oak in a Waggon (sic) road, thence West 44 poles to a Stake and Chestnut on the top of a ridge N.71°.W.72 poles to a Stake in Bourn’s line, N. 34°.E.20 poles with said line to a Spanish Oak on the top of a ridge, S.80°E.80 poles to a Stake and thence S.25½°W.190 poles to the beginning (sic), with its appurtenances. To have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said James Summer and his heirs forever In witness whereof the said George Reeves and Jane Reeves his wife hath hereunto set their hands and seals this day and date above written,Sign.d seal.d & deliver.d in presence of us
Spencer Isom, William Terrell § George Reeves (Seal)
David Cox § Jane Reeves (Seal)
Grayson May Court 1810
This Deed from George Reeves and Jane his wife to James Summer was proven in Court by the subscribing Witnesses & ordered to be Recorded.
Test. M. Dickenson D.C.