Deed - Richard Dunn to Gatewood Dunn
Deed of Gift from Richard Dunn to his son Gatewood DunnTranscription
Richard Dunn to Gatewood Dunn Deed of GiftRecorded 17th Feby 1810
To all to whom these presents shall come greetings Know ye that I Richard Dunn of Columbia County and state of Georgia out of the love and affection I bear my son Gatewood Dunn together with sundry good causes me thereunto moving and also for the sum of two hundred cents to me in hand paid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge. Have given donated and alened and by these presents do give donate aline unto my said son Gatewood Dunn and his heirs forever all that tract or parcel of land on which at present I reside being on Greenbriar in Columbia County and adjoining Telfair and others granted in my own name and containing three hundred acres more or less to have and to hold the said tract of land and premise with the appurtenances there unto belonging to the said Gatewood Dunn and his heirs forever in fee simple and I also for the above mentioned causes and consideration give donate and alien unto my afore said son Gatewood Dunn the three following negroes Adam, Sarah, & Mary and their future increase unto the said Gatewood Dunn and his heirs forever in testimony where of and of every matter and thing here in contained I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this twenty fourth day of September in the year of our lord eighteen hundred and four and of the independence of the United Stated of America the twenty ninth
Signed sealed and acknowledged
in presence of } Richard ( =/= ) Dunn
L. Sewall } The before mentioned instrument acknowledged in
Thomas Jones } presence of me this 12th of :February 1810
as Richard Dunn’s hand seal & wish
W Roussau
sworn to before me this 14th February 1810
B. Neal J.P