Deed - James Reaves to Jacob Palmer
Buncombe County, North Carolina
Deed Book 12, p. 296-297
28 Jan 1811
This Indenture made this 28th day of January anno one thousand Eight hundred & Eleven between James (sic) of the one part and Said Palmer of the other both of the County of Buncombe the State of North Carolina of the other part Witnesseth that this Said James Reaves for and in Consideration of the Sum of forty Six dollars paid to him acknowledged he the said James (sic) James Reves doth By these presents Bargain Sell alien and convey and confirm unto him the Said Jacob Palmer his hers (sic heirs) and assigns for Ever the following tract or parcel of land Situate lying and being in the County of Buncombe aforesaid to wit one tract Situate and lying on both sides of Sandy Mush Creek Begining on the North Side of said Creek and white oak on the bank of a Small branch then east a long (sic) the old line fifty two poles to a white oak then South forty Six poles to a black Oak on the Bank of the Creek then down the Creek to a rock at the mouth of a Small branch forty poles then South forty Six poles to the old line to a Stake then west ninety two poles to a Stake then ninety two poles to the Begining Containing forty three Acres Be the Land More or less this tract of land Being part a large tract of land originally granted to Alison By the State by the State (sic) afore Said and — By James Hughey High Sheriff of Buncombe aforesaid to Satisfy the publick and County tax due there on for the year 1796 as will more fully apper (sic) By Said Sheriff Deed to Said John Strother bearing date 27th September 1798 and registered in the registers office of Buncombe County aforesaid the 28th of December 1799 and John Strother Deed to the Said Benjamin Yardly Bearing Date the 18th of November 1799 and Yardlys and Yardleys deed to the Said Reaves bearing date the fifth day of July 1810 And also Woods ways Waters and Watercourses and all & Every the appertenances there unto Belonging or in any wise Appertaining to the afore said land and premises and every part there of and all the Estate right title Interest Claim and profit of Said James Reves his heirs and Assigns a lawful title to the Said land and primises (sic) hereby granted to have and to hold the Same to the aforesaid Jacob Palmer his heirs and assigns for ever and the Said James Reves for him Self & his heirs and assigns grate (?) the Claims or Claim of all and Every other person or persons Whatsoever to the Said Jacob Palmer his heirs and assigns all the Land and premises aforesaid Ever warrant and Defend in witness Whereof the Said James Reves here unto Set his hand and Seal the day and Year first above WrittenEbed James Reves (Seal)
North Carolina } Court of pleas &c April Session 1818
Buncombe County } the within deed was proven In open Court
By the Oath of Ebed Jones the Subscribing witness thereto
Recorded and ordered to be registered.
Certified John Miller Clk.
By E. M. McClure D. Clk.