Deed – Christopher Bins to Bennett Reeves
Wilkes County, Georgia
Deed Book CCC, p. 167
30 Apr 1811
State of Georgia This Indenture made this thirtieth day of April in the year aof one thousand eight hundred and Eleven between Christopher Bins of of (sic) Wilkes County & Said State of the one part & Bennett Reeves of Said county and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Christopher Bins for and in consideration of the Sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and Sold & by these presents doth grant bargain Sell & confirm to the said Bennett Reeves his heirs & assigns all the tract or parcel of Land Situate lying and being in Said County & State and on the east Side of the north fork of newford creek being a part of a tract of land Originally Granted to Joseph Collins and conveyed to John Freeman by Said Collins and by the said John Freeman & Wylie Pope to the Said Christopher Bins reference being had to the said conveyance will more fully appear Containing twenty five acres more or less adjoining Said Reeves Burrell Bins, Wilee Pope Collins and the heirs of Flemester and more particularly Bounded as follows beginning at a hickory Corner on Said creek and running down the Same as meanders to the mouth of W Flemisters Spring branch thence up the same as it meanders till it intersects said Flemisters line thence S 45 W thirty Canes to a Stake on Said Reeves and Burrell Binns line thence along Burrell Binns N45 W twenty nine chains to the beginning together with & Singular the premises with the appurtenances thereto To have and to hold the aforesaid described quanty (sic) of Land with every of its rights numbers and appurtenances and the said Christopher Bins his heirs and assigns Shall and will will (sic) and truly warrant and forever defend the Said quantity of Seventy five acres more or less against himself his heirs & assigns and against all and every other person or persons to him the said Bennett Reeves his heirs and assigns forever In Witness whereof the Said Christopher Bins hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the day and date at first written Sealed Signed & acknowledged inThe presence of Arche.d Riddle § Christopher Bins (Seal)
John Dyson John Cooper §
Georgia § Personall appeared before me
Wilkes County § John Dyson and being duly Se- (illegible)
Saith that in his presence on the day and date expressed in the annexed deed Christopher Bins did assign & acknowledge the annexed Instrument as his act and deed for the purpose therein Expressed and that Archibald Riddle & John Hooper were Subscribing Witness to the same with at Same time with himself.
Sworn to before me this } John Dyson
23rd of July 1817 }
Thos. Anderson J.P.
Recorded this 2nd day of August 1817