1811 Deed - William Toliver to Joseph Doughton

1811 Deed - William Toliver to Joseph Doughton

Deed - William Toliver to Joseph Doughton

Ashe County, North Carolina
Deed Book M, p. 167
29 Oct 1811


William Toliver deed to Joseph Doughton 118 acres
This Indenture made this twenty ninth day of October Annodomini one thousand eight hundred and Eleven, between William Toliver of Ashe County of Wilkes State of North Carolina, and Joseph Doughton of the sd. William Toliver for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and forty Dollars to him in hand paid by the sd. Joseph Doughton, the receipt whereof the sd. William Toliver doth hereby acknowledge, and himself fully Satisfied and paid, doth grant, bargain, Sell convey and confirm, and by these presents doth freely, clearly and absolutely grant, bargain, Sell, Convey and confirm unto the sd. Joseph Doughton his heirs and assigns forever a tract of land containing one hundred and eighteen acres lying in the County of Ashe on a branch of Dog Creek of New River BEGINNING at a white oak and Stake Moses Toliver old corner running then west Sixty poles with sd. Line to two White oaks and Stakes, thence North eighty poles to a white oak and Hickory Saplin on the Virginia line, then east with sd. Line one hundred and forty poles crossing a branch to a Mahoggany (sic) Saplin, then South one hundred and Seventy Six poles to a Stake, then west eighty poles to a white oak on Moses Tolivers other line, then North with sd. Line ninety six poles to the first Station, with every right, title, priviledge and emolument to the sd. Land belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the sd. William Toliver doth bind himself his heirs, executors and administrators well and truly to warrant and ever defend the aforesaid premises with all the appurtenances to him the sd. Joseph Doughton his heirs and assigns free and clear of all incumberances (sic) and claims whatsoever, In witness whereof the sd. William Toliver hath signed, sealed & delivered in presents of us witnesses present
Charles Toliver                                             William Toliver (Seal)
David Maxwell
North Carolina     §           May Term 1814 the within deed was duly proven
Ashe County          §           in open Court by the oath of Charles Toliver in
Order to be registered.
                                  Test           David Earnest C.C.C.


William Toliver was the husband of Susanna Reeves, daughter of George Reeves of Grayson County, Virginia and Joseph Doughton was another son-in-law married to his daughter Mary Polly Reeves. William Toliver sold his land in Ashe County and moved into Wilkes County after he shot and killed his brother-in-law George Reeves, Jr. in 1811.


Ashe County Register of Deeds

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Thursday 26 of May, 2016 14:26:29 CDT by Beverly.