
1812 Deed - John Reeves et al to Gilmore

1812 Deed - John Reeves et al to Gilmore

York District, South Carolina
Deed Book G, Page 688
4 Aug 1812

Know all men by these presents that we Josina Garrison and Sarah Garrison alias Sarah Brown his wife, John Reeves and Mary Reeves alias Brown his wife, Samuel Faries and Margaret Fairies alias Margaret Brown all of York District and State aforesaid in consideration of four hundred and Eight dollars to us paid or secured to be paid by William Gillmore of said State and District have granted, bargained, sold and released, and do by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said William Gilmore all that tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and forty acres being part of a tract of land of three hundred acres originally granted to Samuel Neley of Chester District by the Governor of North Carolina the twenty fourth day of September Anno Domini one thousand sever hundred and fifty four then in Anson County Beginning at a white oak below the Saluda Path on the east side of the branch that to Fishing Creek below said path running then --- poles to a black oak...and now by the conclusion of the boundary line in the State of Suth Carolina and York District and was conveyed by the said Samuel Neely to Samuel Lusk and by Samuel Lusk to said Samuel Neely to Alexander Brown brother to the aforesaid Sarah Brown, Mary Brown and Margaret Brown and he said Alexander Brown having died without...Witness our hands and seals this fourth day of August Anno Domini 1812 and in the thirty seventh year of Sovereignty and Independence of United States of America.
Signed Sealed and
Delivered in Presence of                           Josina Garrison
Thomas McCullough                                  Sarah Garrison
Lawson Reeves                                          John Reeves
William Choat                                             Mary (X) Reeves
John Soward                                               Samuel Faries
                                                                      Margaret Faries

I John Bates one of the Justices of the Quorum for said District do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Sarah Garrison the wife of the within named Josina Garrison and Mary Reeves the wife of the within named John Reeves and Margaret Faries the wife within named Samuel Faries did this day - appear before me and upon being privately and Separately examined by me do declare that upon the fourth day of August and the seventeenth day of August this present Instant they do severely actually join then their respective husbands the said Josina Garrison, John Reeves and Samuel Faries in executing the within release and did then and at the time of their examination by me - freely voluntarily and without any manner of confusion dread or fear of any person or persons whomsoever release and forever relinquish unto the within named William Gilmore his heirs and assigns all their Estate, interest and Inheritance of us or to all and singular the premises within mentioned and released to --- render my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of August 1812.
                                                          Sarah Garrison
                                                          Margaret Faries
                                                          Mary (X) Reeves
Jno. Bates

Thomas McCullough made oath before Jno. Bates on August 4, 1812.
William Choat made oath before Jno. Bates on August 19, 1812.

Transcription by Richard Reeves.
Contributors to this page: @TRP-GC and Beverly .
Page last modified on Thursday 24 of May, 2012 05:48:29 CDT by @TRP-GC.