Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 3
1812 - 1816
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 54
In pursuance to an order from the County Court of Wayne To us directed to Set off a years provision to the widow of Nathan Linsey Decd orders as follows 15 Barrels of Corn 500 Bacon all the Sugar and Coffee the house also all the Wheat in the House all the salt on hand all the pottery of Every Sort on the Plantation one __ one weeding hoe all the Fat in the House Which is Respectable Submitted Given Under our hands this 29 day May 1813
Also 7 pigs and one sow 3 __.
L. Wood
Willis Pipkin
Reder (Keder) Jurnigan
Jno. Reaves
August Ct 1813
Record Book
Vol. 3
1812 - 1816
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 54
In pursuance to an order from the County Court of Wayne To us directed to Set off a years provision to the widow of Nathan Linsey Decd orders as follows 15 Barrels of Corn 500 Bacon all the Sugar and Coffee the house also all the Wheat in the House all the salt on hand all the pottery of Every Sort on the Plantation one __ one weeding hoe all the Fat in the House Which is Respectable Submitted Given Under our hands this 29 day May 1813
Also 7 pigs and one sow 3 __.
L. Wood
Willis Pipkin
Reder (Keder) Jurnigan
Jno. Reaves
August Ct 1813