1814 Deed - William Reeves to Joseph Hail
Lancaster County SC
14 November 1814
Deed Book H p90
South Carolina }
Lancaster District } Know all men by these presents that I William Reeves of the District of Lancaster and State aforesaid for and in Consideration of the sum of Thirty Dollars to me in hand paid by Joseph Hail of the District and State have Granted Bargained and Sold and released and by these presents to grant bargain and sell and release unto the said Joseph Hail that (slope?) of Land Containing Twenty Acres of Land more or less being part of Land Granted to William Ferguson then conveyed to William Reeves by a deed Situate and Lying on the Waters of Lynches Creek it being Part of a Survey of Land it being part of a Survey of Land lying on the Waters of Flat Creek and Lynches Creek. Beginning on a Post Oak Corner agreed upon by the Parties (or?) Joseph Hails Line Thence running a South? Corner to a Post? thence Down a drean? to Joseph Hail's Spring Branch thence to William Baskins Line thence up his line to William Baskins Line thence up his line to the Corner Thence along the Old Line to a Pine Corner Thence along Dudley Hail's Line to a Road Oak Corner in the Pond Thence Down Joseph Hail's line to a Black Gum Corner Thence on Said Line to the Beginning Corner Together with all Singular the rights members and appurtenances to the Said premises belonging or in any wise of Incidence or appertaining to have and to have and to hold ___ Singular the Premises beforementioned unto the Said Joseph Hail his heirs and assigns forever and do hereby Bind myself my heirs Executors and Administrators to warrant and forever all and singular the premises unto the said Joseph Hail heirs and assigns against myself and my heirs and against all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the Same or any Part whereof Witness my hand and seal this 14th November One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twelve and in the Thirty Seven Year of American Independence
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us
David Williams & Dudley Haile
William Reeves
South Carolina }
Lancaster District } Personally appeared before me Dudley Haile after being Duly Sworn on his Oath that he saw William Reeves Sign Seal and deliver the within Instrument of writing to to Joseph Hail for the use and purpose within Mentioned and that he also saw David Williams sign his name as a subscribing witness to the same Sworn to before me the 25th March 1813
Dudley Haile
James Deason J. P