1815 Will of Samuel Reavis
Wake County, North Carolina
Will Book 12, Pg 111
Written 5 Jan 1815
Probated May 1815
In the name of God Amen - I Samuel Reavis State of the County of Wake of North Carolina - But now in the service of the United States at Norfolk Virginia - Being in a Low State of Health, but of Sound Mind & Memory & knowing it is appointed unto all Men to die - do Make & Constitute this My Last will & Testament in the Manner & form following (viz)First I desire that My Just & Lawful debts be paid out of the Money, & debts due Me, if they be sufficient - I desire the ballance to be raised out of My Good Effects (or Perishable Property) at the descretion of My Executors -
Secondly - I lend to My Beloved Wife Nancy Reavis during her natural Life or Widdowhood, all & Singular - My Land, Negroes, Stock of Every kind, Horses, Cattle, Hogs & all My Household goods & Kitchen furniture, & Every other Part or Parts of Property I am Posessed of - in any way What ever & for My said Wife Nancy to raise & suport My Children thereon --
Thirdly after the death or Intermariage of My said wife Nance Revis, I desire that all & Singular the property that be Left (or Remaining) be Sold at Public Sale, & Equally divided between My dear Children - (viz) Elizabeth Reavis, William Reavis, John Reavis, & Lucy Reavis to each & Equal Portion --
Fourth & Lastly I appoint My Worthy friends John Riggins & Benjamin Rogers Executors to this My Last will & testament - This fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred & fifteen-
Signed Sealed Published
Pronounced & Declard by the Saml Reavis (seal)
Testator as his Last will
and Testament in Presence of us
Jno Green Capt.
Mathew (his mark) Goodwin (Jurat)
Isham (his mark) Goodwin (Jurat)
Wake County May Term 1815
The within Will was entered into Court and orderd to be recorded. BL King CC
Wake County May Term 1815
The written will was in open Court offered for probate and duly proved on the Oaths of Matthew Goodwin & Isham Goodwin subscribers thereunto and ordered to be Recorded.
BL King CC
Note: Will was probated in Wake County, NC, but written while in the service of the United States at Norfolk, Virginia