1815 Deed - Jabez and Mary Reeves to James Blair
Fleming County, KentuckyDeed Book F, p311
31 May 1815
This Indenture made the thirty first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen between Jabez Reeves and Mary his wife of Fleming Cty and State of Kentucky of the one part and James Blair of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said Jabez Reeve and Mary his wife for & in consideration of the sum of seven hundred dollars to them in hand paid by the said James Blair, before the execution of this Indenture the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the said Jabez and Mary, have granted bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant bargain & sell alien and confirm unto the said James Blair his heirs and assigns forever the following described tract or parcel of land. Situate lying & being in the County of Fleming aforesaid on the waters of Fleming Creek being part of a tract of Ten thousand acres patented in the name of Littleberry Mosby heir at law of John Mosby deceased and laid off as follows Viz, Beginning at a stone corner to William Reeves & running thence North 18 East 228 poles to a dogwood and hickory in Mosby's line thence south 72 East 71 poles to two young white oaks on a ridge thence south 18 West 228 poles to a large poplar and dogwood in William Reeves line, from thence to the Beginning.Together with all and singular the priviledges, and appurtenances the reversions remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all the estate right title and interest property claim & demand of them the said Jabez and Mary their heirs executors admins and assigns of in and to the same, To have and to hold the land and premises described, and every part and parcel therewith the appurtenances to the only proper use benefit & behoof of him the said James Blair his heirs and assigns forever and the said Jabez and Mary for themselves and their heirs the said land and premises above described & every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said James Blair his heirs executors administrators or assigns against the title claim or demand of them the said Jabez and Mary their heirs or any person whatsoever claiming by through or under them, shall and will warrant and forever defend. If any person or persons whatsoever shall at any time lay claim to the said land by any title than that of the said Reeves & shall by law recover the whole or any part of the land hereby conveyed to the said James Blair his heirs or assigns, then and in such case it is to be expressly understood that the said Jabez & Mary heirs executors nor administrators are not to refund the purchase money nor any part thereof. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals the day and year just above written.
Signed sealed and }Jabez Reeve (seal)
delivered in presence of }Mary Reeves (seal)
William G Lowrey
State of Kentucky Fleming County towit
I Joshua Stockton Clerk of County Court for said County do certify that this Indenture of Bargain & sale from Jabez Reeves & Mary his wife to James Blair was this day produced before me and acknowledged by the said Jabez & Mary parties thereto the said Mary being by me examined separately privately & apart from Jabez her husband, acknowledged that she did freely voluntarily and without his persuations or threats relinquish all her right & title of dower in the land in and by said and conveyed to the said James Blair, and the said Indenture is together with this certificate is duly recorded in my office
Given under my hand the 22nd day of July 1815
Joshua Stockton