Clarke Co., GA - 1815 Deed, Isaac Suttle to Jeremiah Reeves

1815 Deed - Isaac Suttle to Jeremiah Reaves

1815 Deed - Isaac Suttle to Jeremiah Reaves

Clarke County, Georgia
Deed Book L, (1818-1821), Pg. 177–178
8 Aug 1815

State of Georgia
Clarke County

This Indenture made this Eighth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & fifteen Between Isaac Suttles of he aforesaid State & County of the one part & Jeremiah Reaves of the other part Witnesseth that the aforesaid Isaac Suttles for & in consideration of the sum of three hundred Dollars to him in hand well & truly to be paid at or before the sealing & delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath granted bargained & Sold & by these presents doth grant Bargain &b Sell unto the aforesaid Jeremiah Reaves his heirs & assigns forever all that tract or parcel of lands Situate lying & being in the County & State aforesaid on the waters of the Appalatchee River containing by estimation two hundred acres more or less it being a part of a nine hundred & twenty acre Survey originally granted to Micajah Williamson Sen’r Dec’d in his life time butting & bounding as follows that is to say Beginning at a Hickory Corner on the Appalatachee River thence in a North Eastern direction along the line of fence formerly made by Heard & now owned by John Suttles to a White Oak Corner on a little Branch thence a line ot be continued the same (unreadable) until shall intersect a line of Spurlocks to a Stake Corner thence along Spurlocks line to a Hickory corner from thence a straight direction to a White oak Corner on the River & thence down the River with its meanders to the beginning. Together with all & singular the rights members and appurtenances being belonging or in any wise thereto appertaining with all & singular the rents issues & profits thereof to him the said Jeremiah Reaves his Heirs & assigns to his & their only proper use benefit & behoof forever To have and to hold the aforesaid tract of Lands & premises & every part & parcel thereof and the said Isaac Suttles for himself & his Heirs & all & every other person or persons the aforesaid tract of lands & premises unto the aforesaid Jeremiah Reaves & his Heirs & assigns shall & will warrant & forever defend by these presents IN Witness whereof the said Isaac Suttles hath hereto set his hand & affixed his seal this day & year first above written.

                                                                                             Isaac Suttle
Signed sealed & Delivered
in presence of
Jno. Swift(?)
Lewis(?) C. Davis

Clarke County

Acknowledged in presence of us this 23rd Sept. 1818

Jos. Ligon Jr.
Arch’d Crawford
James Ligon J.J.C.
Recor’d 4th Decem’r 1818

Note: Isaac Suttle became a Baptist preacher in Elbert County, GA around 1803. Isaac’s wife inherited 1,725 acres of land in 1791 on the north side of the Apalachee River in that portion of Franklin County that became Jackson County then Clarke and in 1875 Oconee County. Suttles continued to acquire land in Clarke County and moved to that county around 1804 where he became minister of the Freeman’s Creek Baptist Church. Around 1817 he moved to Cahawba County, Alabama Territory. See Isaac Suttle, Frontier Baptist Preacher, Michael A. Ports, 2012.


Family History Center microfilm No. 0214593, Clarke County Superior Court, Deeds and Mortgages, Book L, 1818-1821.