1815 Inventory - Asa Reeves

1815 Inventory - Asa Reeves

1815 Inventory - Asa Reeves


Jefferson County, New York
Estate Papers R Box 2, #26
Dated: 9 Sep 1815

Transcript or Summary

A true and perfect inventory of all the Goods Chatels and Credits of Asa Reeves late a Soldier in the service of the United States made by me Edmond Bramhall administrator of the said Estate by and with the aid & in the presence of Abiathar Wallis & Claudius Hubbard two compentant apesers to with
Pay due the said deceased as a private soldier for three months and twenty seven days at $8 per month - $31 29
Also 3 months extra pay at $8 per month $24 00

$55 29

Jefferson County } I Abiathar Wallis do solemnly sware and declare, that I will truly honestly and impartially appraise the personal property of Asa Reaves deceased according to the best of my knowledge and ability
Abiathar Walds?
Sworn to and subscribed
this 9th day of Sept 1815
before me
David Perry Surrogate

Jefferson County } I Claudius Hubbard do solemnly swere and declare, that I will truly honestly and impartially appraise the personal property of Asa Reaves deceased according to the best of my knowledge and ability
Claudius Hubbard
Sworn to and subscribed
this 9th day of Sept 1815
David Perry Surrogate

Jefferson County } I Edmond Bramhall administrator of the estate of Asa Reaves deceased do solemnly swere and declare that the preceding inventory is just and true
Edmond Bramhall
Sworn to and subscribed
this 9th day of September 1815
before me
David Perry Surrogate


This Asa has not been identified, although it's possible it is Asa from Salem County, New Jersey.


FamilySearch - Jefferson County, New York Estate Papers R Box 2, #26