1815 Estate Inventory - Nancy Rives

1815 Estate Inventory - Nancy Rives

1815 Estate Inventory - Nancy Rives


Southampton County, Virginia
Will Book 8, p259
8 Nov 1815


Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of Nancy Rives dec'd taken this 8th of November 1815.
I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and perfect Inventory of the Estate of Nancy Rives decd as far as have come to my knowledge
John Nicholson
Agreeable to order Court to us directed bearing date April 1815. We the subscribers do appraise the within Estate to the amount within stated.
George Ivey Junr
John Ivey
John Bacham

At a Court held for the County of Southampton this     day of March 1817
This Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Nancy Rives dec'd was returned and ordered to be recorded.
Tese James Rochelle CC


This individual is currently unidentified.


FamilySearch - Southampton County, Virginia Will Book 8, p259