
1815 - Deed from Stephen Reaves to Solomon Revil

1815 - Deed from Stephen Reaves to Solomon Revil

Wayne County, North Carolina
Record of Deeds
Book 10
1813 - 1818

Page 273
No. 363

Know all men by these presents that I Stephen Reaves planer of the province of North Carolina & County of Wayne Sends Greetings Know ye that Steven Reaves for in consideration of the Sum of eighteen Hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by Solomon Revil of the province & County aforesaid before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge & confess that I am therewith fully Satisfied Contented & paid & for the Same Consideration have given granted Sold assigned * delivered unto the sd Solomon Revil his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of Land situate lying & being in the County of Wayne lying on both sides of Brookses Swamp it being part different patents Beginning at a Stake in or near the head or down the middle field branch & runs Et 73 pole to a pine on the east side of Dicksons road then with the sd road as it runs S 44 Wt 32 pole then So 81 Wt 60 pole then So 59 Wt 24 pole to a post oak on sd road then So 88 Et 39 pole to a pine then No 60 Et 43 pole to a Black Jack on hobbys road then So 67 E 122 pole to a light wood Stump then No 79 Et 84 pole to a black Jack then No 3 Et 56 pole to a post oak then So 24 pole to a stake & pine then So 65 Et 236 pole to a pine then No 124 pole to a pine then So 88 Wt 88 pole to a black Jack then with a line marked trees No 106 pole to the run of Brookses Swamp then up the run of Sd Swamp as it meanders about 72 pole on a straight line to a poplar on the North side of Sd Swamp formerly Thomas Browns Corner then (unreadable) Et 78 pole to a post oak then No 26 Et 194 pole to a red oak then (unreadable) 202 pole to a pine then So 23 Wt 134 pole to a pine thence So 5 Et (unreadable) to a post oak then So 85 Wt 90 pole to a persimmon tree (unreadable) then No 59 pole to a poplar Slocumbs Corner on Elijahs branch and with his line Wt 127 pole to a pine & post oak in Slocumbs field then So 22 pole to a willow on the run of Brookses Swamp and then down the run of Sd Swamp as it meanders to the mouth of the run of the middle field branch then up the several windings of the run of the branch as it meanders to the first Station containing 667 acres be the same more or less together will all woods & waters & (unreadable) I the Sd Stephen Reaves do Covenant & agree to & with the sd Solomon Revil that the above bargained premises is Shure free & Clear from any manner or encumberances whatsoever & the sd Sollomon Revil shall and may forever hereafter have hold use Sell give grant or dispose of the same he his heirs executors Administrators as they see for him (unreadable) yield & pay all taxes that Shall Come due hereafter & I Stephen Reaves will warrant & forever defend the sd land to the sd Solomon Revil his heirs & assigns forever against the lawful Claim or Claims of any other person or persons whatsoever Witness my hand and Seal this 20th Day of November 1815
                                                              Stephen Reaves

Exsum Lewis
Spious Ward

State of No Carolina Wayne County Novr Term 1815 then was the within deed of Sale proved in open Court by the oath of Exsum Lewis and ordained to registered

Jno. McKinnie Clk

Contributors to this page: @TRP-GC and Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 23 of May, 2012 03:39:38 CDT by @TRP-GC.