1816 Will of Wm. Whitfield — Land References to John and Hardy Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 4
1816 - 1822
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 38
In the Name of God Amen, I William Whitfield Senr of the State of North Carolina nd County of Wayne Calling to min the uncertainty of life and being weak of Body but of sound mind and Memory do make & Ordain my last Will & Testament in Manner & form as follows Viz:
1st I give & bequeath unto my beloved Wife Sally B. Whitfield . . . .
2nd I lend unto my Wife Sally during her natural life that part of the Lands & Plantation whereon I now live Including all Buildings on the South Side of Neuse River beginning on the River at the Mouth of the branch by Cooks House and running South to the Hill of the Pine Woods on the Edge of the Marsh then along the Edge of the in a Westerly direction to Powels Run thence down the run to the river & down the River to the Beginning. Containing 400 Acres.
3rd All the Property of every kind or denomination Whatsoever that I have heretofore at any time given or Delivered to my children, Mary Killibrew William Whitfield Joseph Whitfield Elizabeth Kethly Bryan Whitfield Needham Whitfield Rachel House afterwards Neville Lewis Whitfield & Sarah Collier . . . .
4th I give & bequeath unto my Son William Whitfield Thirty Dollars . . . .
5th I give & Bequeath to my Mother in law Sarah Hatch Forty Dollars.
6th I give & Bequeath unto my son Charles Whitefield all the Lands on the South Side of Goshen which I purchased of Andrew Hurst & John Reaves whereon said Hurst formerly lived Containing 800 aces . . . .
7th I lend unto my Daughter (being) non Compes Mentis, all the Interest in my funds or Stock in the Bank of Newbern . . . .
8th I give & Bequeath unto Daughters Harriet & Narissa all the Lands I bought of John Hines Benjamin Hatch & 20 Acres I Patented adjoining thereto also that I bought of Benjamin Sasser in Wayne Containing 350 Acres More or less also my Lands on the Waters of the North East Purchased of Samuel Herring whereon Hardy Reaves & Houston now lives also 120 Acres near Mrs. Crows out of the John Beck deed to me when I gave my Son for the Balance to them their Heirs or assigns forever.
9th I give to my three Daughters Lucy Harriet & Narrisa to be Divided among them Share & Share alike the following Negroes . . . .
10th I give unto my Daughters Harriet and Narissa on Horse Saddle . . . .
11th I give unto my Daughter Sally Collier one Negro girl . . . .
12th I give & Bequeath unto my Son Joseph Whitfield Two Hundred & Fifty Dollars . . . .
13th I give to my Son Hatch Whitfield Negroes . . . .
14th I give and Bequeath to my Son Benjamin Whitfield all the Land Bought of the Executors of Needham Whitfield dec'd called the Fouhand place . . . and all the Lands on the North East bought of Joseph Whitfield & Timothy Graddy . . . .
15th All the rest of my Lands in Whatever place may be Situated including the Dower of my Wife (after her decease) I give and Bequeath to my Sons Samuel, Edmond, John, Lewis, Burdet, Francis & George . . . .
16th The Use of my Bank Stock loaned to my Daughter after her Death I give the hole of Stock to my Daughters Harriet & Narissa . . . .
17th If Either of my Said Sons Mentioned in the Fifteenth of this will should die underage or without issue I give the Share or Shares of the one or more so dying to the Survivors . . . .
18th All the rest, residue of my Estate of what nature or Kind so ever (after paying my just debts) not disposed of otherwise in this Will I give and Bequeath to my Sons Lemuel, Benjamin, Edmunds, John Lewis Burdet, Francis & George Whitfield . . . .
(Note that there are no commas between "John Lewis Burdet" as there is in Item 15)
19th My Will & desire is that my Executors have Power to Keep the Family White & Black Stock without a Separation, tend the ands and Work the Mills, rent out such lands & retain such as they please for the Common Benefit, raising & supporting in the same manner as if the head of it had been taken away . . . I also Constitute and appoint them Guardian to my Daughter Lucy.
20th Lastly I hereby Constitute & Appoint my two Sons Lemuel & Benjamin Whitfield Executors . . . .
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this Second day of November (1816) one Thousand Eight Hundred & Sixteen.
Wm. Whitfield
Allen Whitfield
Graddy Herring
Jacob Herring
John Robert
Benjamin Whitfield Lemuel Whitfield Qual'd Exor's
Feby Court 1819