Johnston, Daniel to Archibald Reaves
Bedford Co., Tennessee
Deed Book F, pp. 560-561
11 Nov 1816
This Indenture made this Eleventh day of November one Thousand eight hundred & Sixteen Daniel Johnston of the County of Bedford & the State of Tennessee of the one part and Archabald Reaves of the other part Witnesseth that for & in consideration of Twelve hundred dollars in hand paid by said Reaves to Daniel Johnston the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath Granted Bargained & Sold aliened Conveyed and Conferred and do by these presents bargain bind sell alien & confer unto the said Archabald Reaves his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situate and being in the County of Bedford and _ _ ___. Beginning on a white oak & beach marked W C a Corner made for Washington C Ballard, or the South bank of said River thence South thirty six poles to Ballards other Corner on a White Oak thence East one hundred and thirty six poles to two beeches & a sugartree passing by John Ewels corner at eighty poles thence North Thirty degrees West one hundred & Twenty poles to the middle of the South fork of Duck River, Thence up the river the meanders there up N at B? Sixty degrees East thirty six poles thence north thirty degrees west one hundred and two poles to a beach and Iron wood on W Carters line thence West with his line fifty six poles to a beach Dogwood and horn bean thence South one hundred & sixty eight poles to the Beginning Containing by estimation one hundred and nineteen acres be the same more or less.To have and to hold the aforesaid tract of land together with all and singular the rights, profits, & amoluments, hereditaments and appurtenances of in and to the same belonging in anywise appertaining to the only proper use and behoof of him the sd Archibald Reaves his heirs assigns forever & I the said Daniel Johnston for my heirs Exs Adm and assigns do covenant and agree with the said Archabald Reaves his heirs & Assigns that the before released land & Bargained premises I will forever warrant and Defend against the right title and Interest demand and every manner of persons whatever. In witness I the said Daniel Johnston hath hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day & date above written.
Signed Sealed & delivered In presents of us
John EwellDaniel Johnston (LS)
Reehd Wilking
State of Tennessee }
Bedford County } January Term 1817
I Thomas Moore Clerk of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of the County of Bedford do certify that the within deed of conveyance from Daniel Johnston to Archabald Reaves for 119 acres of Land was acknowledged in open Court by the said Daniel Johnston & ordered to be certified certified for Registration Give under my hand this 24 Jay 1817Tho Moore