1816 Mortgage - Elisha Reaves & Rebekah Redmond to Philip Coleman
Union County, SC
19 Nov 1816
Deed Book N p389
Union District South Carolina Novem 19th 1816Nine months after date I Promise to pay Phillip Coleman or order the sum of Nine Dollars and Sixty two and one half cents it being the value of my Accompt with him to the above date for value received of him, for the secure payment of which I do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors Admrs and assigns and also I do hereby pledge oblidge and make chargeable one Done Cow and yearlin marked across and slit in he right year, one branded heifer the same mark also ten head of hogs of the same mark and my plantation __, with my household and kitchen furniture, which are all in my possession, and I do hereby warrant and defend the above described against myself my heirs and assigns and any other person whatsoever unto the Above Phillip Coleman his heirs and assigns forever, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day and year above written, Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Wm (his mark) JacksonElisha (his mark) Reaves (Seal)
Rebekah (her mark) Redman
South Carolina }
Union District } Personally came before me Elisha Reaves and after being Duly Sworn as the law directs saith that he saw the above mortgage signed sealed and delivered and that he was a subscribing witness, and that he saw Rebekah Redman Subscribe as a witness also, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of May 1817 -
Elisha (his x mark) Reaves