Will of Thomas Rives
Northampton County, North Carolina
Will Book Vol. 3, pg. 188
Written 30 Nov 1816
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Rives of Northampton County state of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory blessed be God for the same do this 30th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following this is to say: Item 1st. my will and desire is my executor whom I shall hereafter appoint shall pay all my just debts. Item 2nd. my will and desire is that my executor purchase a negroe woman named Judy now the property of Benja: Sykes which I sold him ~ and emancipate her for meritorious services after the death or widowhood of my sister Winnifred G. Blow who is to have her during her natural life or widowhood. Item 3rd. I lend to my sister Winnifred Blow during her natural life or widowhood all my estate. Item 4th. I give and bequeath to my niece Sarah Blow after the death or widow_ of her mother Winfred Blow all the above estate loaned he_ mother, (except the sd. Sarah Blow should die before she arrives to the age of twenty one years or leaves a ~ lawful her (sic heir) of her body in which even my will and desire is that my est. by (sic be) equally divided among all my brothers and sisters. Lastly I nominate and appoint my worthy friend James T. Sykes executor of this my last will and testament, in witness whereof I the said Thomas Rives have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written -his
Teste, Robt. G. Parham § Thomas ( X ) Rives (Seal)
John B. Peebles, A. H. Walker § mark
Northampton December Court 1816 This last will and testament of Thomas Rives decd was exhibited into Court and proved in due form of law by the oaths of Robert G. Parham John B. Peebles and Andrew H. Walker the subscribing witnesses thereto and was ordered to be recorded: time being ~ allowed the executor therein named to qualify. And at a Court held for the ~ County of Northampton the first Monday in March 1817 James T. Sykes the executor named in the preceeding will came into Court & renounced his right of qualifying thereto: whereupon administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits of the said Thomas Rives decd is granted to the said James T. Sykes and John Lockhart, who together with Payton Maughon and James Barrett entered into & acknowledged their bond in the penalty of four thousand dollars, conditioned as the law directs.
James C. Harrison Clerk