1816 Deed - John Suttle to Jeremiah Reaves
Clarke County, Georgia
Deed Book L, (1818-1821), Pg. 177–178
24 Dec 1816
State of Georgia
Clarke County
This Indenter (sic) made this this (sic) Twenty fourth day of December in year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and sixteen Between John Suttles of the aforesaid State & County of the one part & Jeremiah Reeves of the other part Witnesseth tht the aforesaid John Suttles for & in Consideration of the sum of two hundred dolar to him in hand the receipt whereof is herby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold & by these presents doth grant bargain sell unto the aforesaid Jeremiah Reeves his heirs & assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County and State aforesaid on the waters of the Appalathcee River containing one hundred acres more or less it being a part of a Survey granted to Micajah Williamson Dec’d buting and bounding as follows that is to say begin at a Hicory Corner on the Appalachee River thence in in a Northeast direction along the line formerly made by Herd (Heard?) and now owned by Jeremiah Reeves to White oak corner in a little branch thence a line to be continued the same course until it shall intersect a line of Spurlocks to a stake corner thence on a south East direction to a White oak Corner thence South (unreadable) to a dog wood Corner on the (unreadable) Herd line to a Red oak on the aforesaid River thence up the said River to the Beginning Corner to have and hold the said Bargained land and premises with the appertainances there of & every part thereof & do herby grant grant (sic) warrant and defend the same with every part thereof unto Jeremiah Reeves his heirs & assigns forever in Witness whereof the said John Suttles hat here unto set his hand & seal the day & year first above written.
John Suttles
Signed Sealed & delivered
in presents of
James Smith
Burrel (x) Johnson
Clarke County
Ackowledged in present or us this 23rd Sept. 1818.
Jos. Ligon Jr.
Arch’d Crawford
James Ligon J.J.C.
Recor’d 3rd Decem’r 1818