1817 Deed - James & Susanna Tinsley to Spencer Reeves

1817 Deed - James & Susanna Tinsley to Spencer Reeves

1817 Deed - James & Susanna Tinsley to Spencer Reeves


Fleming County, Kentucky
Deed Book G, p231
16 Jul 1817


This Indenture made and entered into this 16th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen Between James Tinsley and Susanna his wife of the State of Kentucky and County of Fleming of the one part and Spencer Reeves of the same place of the other part Witnesseth that sd James Tinsley & Susanna his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty Dollars current money of Kentucky to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold and by these person do grant bargain sell and confirm unto the sd Spencer Reeves his heirs and assigns all that parcel or tract of land situate and being in the County of Fleming on the waters of Foxes creek containing one hundred acres and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at the mouth of a branch puting unto Fox blow the schoolhouse below Hurds Mill thence up sd branch 108 poles to a crab apple tree in a line between lot no 11 & 12 thence W with sd line 116 poles to three Dogwoods corner to Samuel Tilson (near a branch) thence down sd Branch to Foxes creek thence up sd creek with the meanders to the Beginning containing one hundred acres together with all and Singular the premises thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to have and to hold the land hereby conveyed with the appurtenances unto the sd Spencer Reeves his heirs and assigns forever and the sd Tinsley with Susanna his wife themselves their heirs extrs administrators the aforesaid tract of land and premises unto the sd Spencer Reeves his heirs or assigns against the claim or claims of all prior claims whatsoever do and will forever Defend by these presence in witness whereof the sd James Tinsley with Susanna his wife hath hereunto set their hands and seals this day and date above written
Signed Sealed in presence ofJames Tinsley (Seal)
John A HamiltonSusannah (her x mark) Tinsley (LS)
Nathan Hurds
James W Clove

State of Kentucky Fleming County
I Alexr S Lyle deputy for Joshua Stockton Clerk of the Court for said County do certify that this Indenture of (?) & sale from James Tinsley & Susannah his wife to Spencer Reeves was this day produced before me acknowledged by said James & Susannah the said Susannah being by me examined privately separately and apart from James her husband acknowledged that she did freely voluntarily and without the persuasions threats of her said husband relinquish all her right & title of Dower in and to the premises hereby conveyed which is together with this certificate duly recorded in said office
Given under my hand the 31st day of July 1817
Alxr S Lyle DC


FamilySearch - Fleming County, Kentucky Deed Book G, p231