Deed - John Damron to Avery Reeves
Franklin County, Tennessee
Deed Book F, Page 161-162
14 Aug 1818
This Indenture made this fourteenth day of August in the year one thousand eight-hundred and eighteen Between John Damron of Franklin and State of Tennessee of the one part and Avery Reeves of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the Said John Damron for and (in) consideration of the Sum of four hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath granted bargained and Sold delivered and confirmed and by this presents doth grant bargain Sell and confirm unto the Said Avery Reeves his heirs and assigns forever a part of a tract of land originally granted by the State of Tennessee to John Gordon lying and being in the county of Franklin and State of Tennessee on the waters of Beans Creek of Elk River. Beginning upon a Dogwood and running East one hundred and Sixty poles to a White Oak, thence South three hundred & fifty poles to a Dogwood & Beech on the Side of Cumberland Mountain, thence with the winding of the Same westward until a due North course will strike the place of beginning containing one hundred and fifty acres be the Same more or less a patent bearing date the twenty fourth of January one thousand eight hundred and eleven No. 2842 To have an to hold the land hereby conveyed with all and Singular the premises and every part thereof with every of the appurtenances thereof unto the Said Avery Reeves his heirs and assigns forever, And the Said John Damron for himself and his heirs and Exrs Administrators doth promise and agree to and with the Said Avery Reeves to warrant and forever defend the before bargained premises with all its appurtenances from any lawful claim whatsoever.
In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year first above written. Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of
Hance McWhirter John (his X mark) Damron (Seal)
William Lytle
State of Tennessee Franklin County August Term 1818
Then the within deed of conveyance from John Danron to Avery Reeves for one hundred and fifty acres was duly proven in open Court by the Oath of Hance McWhirter and William Lytle Subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be Registered let it be Registered.
E. Russell Clerk