Franklin Co., TN - 1820 Deed Thompson to Maulden Reeves

1820 Deed - Thompson to Maulden Reeves

Deed - Thompson to Maulden Reeves

Franklin County, Tennessee
Deed Book K, Pg 242
30 Jan 1820

THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this thirtieth day of January eighteen hundred and twenty between William W. Thompson of the one part and Maulden Reeves of the other part both of the County of Franklin and State of Tennessee. Witnesseth that the said William W. Thompson for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred Dollars to him in hand paid by the said Maulden Reeves the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth unto the said Maulden Reeves his heirs and assigns forever (sic?) one certain tract or parcel of land being and lying in the County of Franklin on the waters of Beans Creek Bounded and marked as follows (viz) Beginning on a black walnut and running thence North *2 poles to a red oak a poplar and mulberry thence East 155 poles thence north 72 poles to a Red Oak thence 155 poles to the beginning containing by estimation sixty four acres be the same more or less To have and to hold the aforesaid land with all the rights profits hereditaments and appurtenances unto the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to the only proper use and behoof of said Maulden Reeves his heirs and assigns forever and the said William W. Thompson for himself his heirs and assigns doth warrant and forever defend against the right & title claim or interest of all and every person or persons whatsoever In Witness whereof the said William W. Thompson hath hereunto Set his hand and affixed his Seal
signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Lewis W. Metcalf     §
John Reeves           §                                    William W. Thompson (Seal)

        State of Tennessee §        Franklin County    §         May Term 1822
Then the within deed of conveyance from William W. Thompson to Maulden Reeves was for sixty pounds was duly proven in open Court by the Oaths of Lewis W. Metcalf and JohnReeves subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be registered let it be registered. E. Russell Clk
                                  (Registered Septr 23rd 1823)
Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Sunday 20 of May, 2012 00:31:24 CDT by Beverly.