
1820 Probate - Estate of Frederick Reeves

Estate of Frederick Reeves

York County, South Carolina
Case Nbr. 44, File #1864
12 Aug 1820

State of South Carolina       }
York District                        }
By Benjamin Chambers Esq. Ordinary of York District
WHEREAS Wylie Reeves & James Reeves hath applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Frederick Reeves - late of the district aforesaid, deceased.

These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Ordinary's Court for the said district, to be holden at Yorkville on the Sixteenth day of October next, to shew cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted.
            GIVEN under myhand and seal, this twelfth day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty and in the forty fifth year of American Independence.

            Benjm Chambers OYD

Letters of Administration - 16 Oct 1820

State of South Carolina       }
York District                        }
By Benjamin Chambers Esqr - Ordinary
            of York District.
To Wiley Reeves & James Reeves
WHEREAS Frederick Reeves - late of York District - deceased, lately died intestate, having whilst he lived, and at the time of his death, divers goods, rights and credits within the District aforesaid; by means whereof the full disposition and power of granting the Administration of all and singular the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased, and also auditing the accounts, calculations and reckonings of the said Administration, and a final dismission of the same, to me is manifestly known to belong. I desiring that the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased, may be well and truly administered, converted and disposed of, do hereby grant unto the said Wyley Reeves & James Reeves - in whose fidelity, in this behalf, I very much confide, full power by the tenor of these presents, to administer the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased, which to him in his life-time, and at the time of his death, did belong; and to ask, leave, recover and receive the same, and to pay the debts in which the deceased stoof obliged, so far forth as his goods, rights and credits will extend, according to their rate and order of law; being first sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, to make a true and perfect inventory thereof, and to exhibit the same into the Ordinary's office, in Yorkville in order to be recorded, on or before the first day of January now next ensuring; and to render a just and true account, calculation and reckoning of the said administration, when thereunto required: And I ordain, depute and constitute you, the said Wyley Reeves & James Reeves - Administrators of all and singular the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased.
            In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Sixteenth Day of October - Anno Domini, 1820 and in the forty fifth Year of American Independence.

Ordinary's Office,
            Benjm. Chambers

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