1821 Deed - George Clifton et al to Jeremiah Reeves
Walton County, Georgia
Deed Book C-D, p. 155-156
10 Oct 1821
Walton County
This Indenture made this Tenth day of October One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty one and in the in the forty fifth year of American Independence Between George Clifton of the County of Walton Aron Cliffton of the County of Clarke both of the Sate aforesaid of the one part and Jeremiah Reeves of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said George Clifton & Aron Clifton For and in Consideration of Three Hundred and Seventy five Dollars by him in hand the said Jeremiah Reeves to them in hand paid the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath Granted bargained an Sold unto the Said Jeremiah Reeves his heirs and assigns all that Tract or lot of Land Situate lying an being in the County of Walton & State aforesaid in the Second district known and distinguished in the plan of Said District by number Twenty one Containing Two Hundred and fifty Acres more or less which a reference to the original grant will more full show To have and to hold the aforesaid Lot or parcle of Land with all and Singular the rights Members & appurtenances thereof whatsoever unto the said Jeremiah Reeves being belong or in anywise appertaining to the aforesaid Premises to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Jeremiah Reeves his heirs Executors administrators and assigns in fee simple against the Claims of the Said George & Aron Clifton their heirs Executors Administrators & Assigns and from the Claim of all other person or persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant and forever defend the right Title of the aforesaid Lot of Land unto him the aforesaid Jeremiah Reeves forever In witness Whereof we the Said George Clifton & Aron Clifton have hereunto Set our hands and affixed our Seals the day and date first above Written Signed Sealed and Delivered in present of
Geor. Clifton
Aaron Clifton
Test. Millington Scogin
Wm. Mandley J. J. C.
Recorded this the 3rd day of December 1822.
A T. Rassor
Walton County GA Deed Book C-D, p. 155-156Photograph of original deed book pages courtesy of Kay Dawson.