Inventory of William Glover
Estate of William Reeves
York County, South Carolina
4 Dec 1821
Case Nbr 45, File #1904
An Inventory of the Goods & Chattles William Glover recd of Wm. Reeves when he married.
One Dark Bay Mare One Heifer & Calf One bed & furniture One Trunk |
$50.00 10.00 25.00 2.00 $87.00 |
William Glover made Oath before me that the above is the articles & what he estimates is the value of what he recd of Wm. Reeves when he married and that he has recd nothing since without accounting to him for the same. Amounting to Eighty seven Dollars - sworn to and subscribed
December 4th 1821
William Glover
Before me
R. Sadler DC
(William Glover married Lucy Reeves in 1804.)