1821 Estate Inventory - William D. Rives

1821 Estate Inventory - William D. Rives

1821 Estate Inventory - William D. Rives


Southampton County, Virginia
Will Book 9, p179
14 Dec 1821


Inventory an appraisement of the Estate of William D Rives decd made this 14th of December 1821
Agreeable to an order to us directed from the worshipful Court of Southampton bearing date November Court 1821 which order is hereunto annexed We the subscribers have proceeded to appraise such of the personal estate of William D Rives decd as was to us produced in current money as above stated. Given under our hands this 14th December 1821
Lewis Thorp
James Wright
Green Adams

Ata Court held for the County of Southampton on the 15th December 1822 The Inventory and appraisement of the estate of William Reeves was this day returned and ordered to be recorded.
Teste James Rochelle CC


This individual is currently unidentified.


FamilySearch - Southampton County, Virginia Will Book 9, p179