1822 Deed - William Leech to William Reeves
Bedford Co., Tennessee
Deed Book T, pp. 102-103
1 Dec 1823
This Indenture made this 21st day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty two between William Leech of the County of Lawrence and the State of Alabama of the one part and William Reeves of the county of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the other part.Witnesseth that the said William Leech for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and seventy three dollars seventy five cents in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath Given granted bargained sold and conferred unto the said William Reeves his heirs and assigns a certain piece or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the County of Bedford and state of Tennessee no section (blank) being a part of a four thousand acre tract Granted to Richard Trotter of North Carolina and dated the (blank) day of (blank). Beginning at a stake the north west corner of Eppes Taylors 124 3/4 acre tract in the west boundary line of said survey and running thence East one Hundred and sixty two poles to a stake thence North one Hundred and ten poles to a stake thence West one Hundred and sixty two poles to a stake thence south one Hundred and ten poles to the beginning containing one Hundred and eleven acres one quarter and twenty poles to have and to hold the aforesaid tract of land and premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said William Reeves his heirs and assigns for ever and I the said William Leech for myself my heirs Executors administrators and assigns do covenant and agree to and with the said William Reeves his heirs and assigns that I will warrant and defend the rights and title of the aforesaid tract of land and premises free and clear from the claim or claims of all manner of person or persons whatsoever to the said William Reeves his heirs Executors and administrators forever. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date above mentioned
Signed Sealed and delivered in presenceWm Leech (Seal)
Timothy Lugg
Solomon (his mark) Nickles
State of Tennessee }
Bedford County } November Terms 1825
I James McKisuck clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions for the County of Bedford do hereby certify that the within deed of Conveyance from William Leech to William Reeves for 11 acres of land was proven in open court by the oath & testimony Luggs & Slmon Nichols the subscribing witnesses & ordered to be certified for Registration given under my hand at office 19th November 1825Jas McKisuck