Looker vs. Dunkinson
Augusta County, Virginia
O. S. 376; N. S. 137--Bill
6th January, 1823
By Sarah Loker, widow, of Rockingham. Her father, John Reeves, of Rockingham, died, testate; will dated 5th May, 1799, and died in same year, leaving representatives, widow, Margaret, who died intestate and unmarried, 1814, and children, viz: Oratrix, William, John, Mary Reeves, Lydia, wife of Elijah Moore, of whom William died, 1807, leaving nine children, viz: Reuben, Phoebe, Lydia, John, Thos., who were all in being at the date of the will, and four others, viz: Cressy, who died infant, Polly, Brewer, William, born after death of testator. John, other son of testator, died, intestate, unmarried, and without issue, about 1819. Mary Reeves married Charles Moore and had one child, Edith. Mary died 1810; Edith died 1816. Lidia Moore had at testator's death children still alive. Thomas Dunkanson qualified administrator for testator and moved to Kentucky. Ro. Dunkeson deposes, nephew of said John Reeves, Jr., and son of Thos. Dunkinson. His father settled in Christian County, and sent deponent to Hopkins County to school to said John Reeves. About Christmas time John married Miss Sally Taylor, daughter of Isaac Taylor of Hopkins County; then John moved to Illinois, where Jno. died, leaving one child, Isaac. Will of John Reeves, of Rockingham. William Reeves's five children, viz: Reuben, Phoebe, Lydia, John, Thos. and William's wife. Eve. Wife, Margaret. Four children, Sarah Lokey (sic Loker?), John and Mary Reeves and Lydia Moore. Executor, Thos. Dunkanson. Son-in-law, Elijah Moore. Dated 5th May, 1799. Recorded in Rockingham, July, 1799. Deed, dated 30th March, 1815, by executor of John Reeves to John Homan, Jr., of Rockingham, 390 acres, directed by Reeves's will to be sold. Recorded in Rockingham, 30th March, 1815. Deed, 26th May, 1824, by Daniel Matthews of Rockingham to Henry Shaver of Botetourt, 50 acres in Rockingham, on a hill known as Round Hill, between Linville's and Smith Creek, part of tract purchased by Daniel from his father, Solomon, which was first granted to Jacob Lincoln by patent. Recorded in Rockingham, 6th September, 1824.