Letters of Guardianship - James B. Glover
York County, South Carolina
25 Feb 1823
Estate Record Books Bk. F, Pg 143
Case Nbr. 49, File #2050
South Carolina }
York District } By Benjm. Chambers Judge of the Court of Ordinary for
York District
To all to whom it may concern
Know ye that I have this day committed to the charge & care of James B. Glover of the District & State aforesaid the maintenance & educationof Wm. & James Glover Minors Sons of Tabitha Glover Daughter of Wm. Rieves Senr late of the District aforesaid decd & also the care & management of Such Estate personal as the Said Minor is or may become entitled unto from the Estate of her father or in any other Manner whatever he having first given Bond & Security for the due and faithfull execution of the duties of a guardian.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the
25th day of Feb Anno Domini 1823 & 47th year of
American Independence
Benjm. Chambers OYD (LS)