1823 Deed - Sophia Bonham to James B. Rives
Edgefield County SC
9 October 1823
Deed Book 43 p475-476
Sophia Bonham } Deed
To }
James B Rives }
The State of South Carolina
Edgefield District
Know all men by these presents that I Sophia Bonham of the district of Edgefield in the state aforesaid in consideration of the sum of twelve hundred dollars to me paid by James B Reaves of Edgefield Dist in the state aforesaid, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said James B Reaves all that plantation or tract of land containing two Hundred and twenty nine acres, be the same more or less, situate in the State and district aforesaid lying on Red bank Creek waters of Little Saluda River, being part of a tract of land originally granted to Thos. Deloach Jnr on the thirty first day of August anno Domini 1774 having such marks and shapes as represented by a plat made by John Blocker upon a resurvey made on the twenty third day of September Anno Domini one thousand Eight hundred and Sixteen, bounded on the North by said Reaves’ land E & South E by Zebulon Rudolph S & S W on Jesse Harts, on all other parts by lands belonging to the said Sophia Bonham - Together with all and Singular the rights members hereditaments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining. To Have And to hold all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said James B Reaves his heirs and assigns forever and I do hereby bind myself my heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said James B Reaves his heirs and assigns against myself & my heirs and against every person whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness my hand and seal this Ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three, and in the forty seventh year of the Independence of the United States of America.
Sealed and delivered }
in the presence of } Sophia Bonham (LS)
Jno. Lipscomb }
Saml Perryman }
State of South Carolina }
Edgefield District } Personally appeared before me Samuel Perryman and made oath that he saw Sophia Bonham sign seal and deliver the above conveyance for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that he with John Lipscomb in the presence of each other witnessed the due execution thereof.
Sworn to before me } Saml. Perryman
this 24th day of April 1824 }
John Lark J Q U }
South Carolina }
Edgefield District } By the request of the representatives of the estate of James Bonham Deceased I have resurveyed a tract of land as represented by the above plat and find it to contain two Hundred and twenty nine acres, & hath such shapes form & marks as represented by the above plat.
Certified this 23rd day of Sept 1826 John Blocker C. L.
Recorded 29th April 1829.