1824 Deed - Burrell Clark to James Reves

1824 Deed - Burrell Clark to James Reves

1824 Deed - Burrell Clark to James Reves

Lancaster County SC
16 April 1824
Deed Book L p281-282

South Carolina              }
Lancaster District         } Know all men by these presents that I Burrell Clark of the State of North Carolina and Mecklenburg County for & in consideration of the sum of Seven hundred & fifteen Dollars to him in hand pail the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge have bargained sold & delivered, & by these presents doth bargain sell and deliver unto James Reves of the State of S. Carolina & district of Lancaster - All that tract or parcel of lands lying & being on the waters of Little Lynches Creek Containing by resurvey (10th of April 1824) Two hundred and eighty six acres and hath such form& marks as a plat ??? to annexed shows - To be had holden accepted & peaceably possessed by the said Reves by his heirs & assigns forever, together with all and singular the rights both Hereditaments & appurtenances there unto belonging in any wise incident or appertaining the said Parcels? Doth further bind himself & his heirs jointly & firmly by these present do warrant the same unto the sd James? & his heirs & forever & defend the same for all of person or persons whomsoever Lawfully claiming the same or any part thereof - Witness my had & seal this 10th April 1824 - Signed Sealed & delivered in presences of
John Sims                       }Burrell Clark (Seal)
Samuel Humphreys      }

South Carolina              }
Lancaster District         } Personally appeared before me Samuel Humphrey Jr. And being duly sworn saith that he saw Burrell Clark sign seal & deliver the within Deed unto James Reves for the use & purpose within mentioned, & that he saw John Sims sign as a subscribing witness to the same
Sworn & Subscribed before me    }
this 19th day of September 1825  }Samuel Humphreys
William R. Horton Jr.                    }