1824 Deed - James B Reives to Z Rudolph

1824 Deed - James B. Reives to Zebulon Rudolph

1824 Deed - James B Reives to Z Rudolph

Edgefield County SC
17 April 1824
Deed Book 43 p473-475

James B Reives             } Deed
               To                      }
Z Rudolph                      }
The State of South Carolina
Know all men by these presents that James B Rives Edgefield District & in the State aforesaid in consideration of Fourteen hundred & Thirty five Dollars to me paid By Zebulon Rudolph of Edgefield District & in the State aforesaid have granted, bargained, sold, and Released and by these presents do grant bargain Sell and Release unto the said Zebulon Rudolph All my Right Title claim and Interest of in (smudge) to All that plantation Tract or parcell of Land where I now reside Lying and being on Red Bank creek in Edgefield District and State aforesaid and consisting of a Track of one hundred & Ninety eight Acres conveyed on 15 Sept 1818 by Abraham Ferguson to Burwell Gregg & on the 30th November 1821 by said Gregg to me for two hundred Acres more or less. Also of one other Track or parcel of land adjoining the aforesaid Track conveyed to me on the 9th October 1823 By Sophia Bonham Containing two hundred & Twenty nine acres more or less the whole bounded Eastward by northeastwardly & South westward on Mrs Bonhams & Mr Harts land & Southwardly on Sd Rudolphs land together with all and Singular the Rights members hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining to have and to hold all and Singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Zebulon Rudolph his Heirs and Assigns forever and I Do hereby bind myself & my heirs Executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said Premises unto the said Zebulon Rudolph his heirs and Assigns against my self and my heirs and every other Person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof witness my hand and Seal this Seventeenth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and in the forty eighth year of the independence of the united States of America
Signed Sealed and delivered }James (his mark) B Rives (LS)
In the presence of us              }
Phinchas Robinson                 }
Zeb. Rudolph Junr.                 }

State of South Carolina    }
Edgefield District              } Personally appeared before me Zebulon Rudolph Jr. and made oath that he saw James B Rives Sign Seal and deliver the above conveyance for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that he with Phenchas Robinson in the presence of each other witnessed the due execution thereof Sworn to before me this the 24 day o April 1824
John Lark J Q UZebulon Rudolph

The State of South Carolina }
Edgefield District                   } I John Lark one of the Justices of the Quorum do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Anny Rives the wife of the within named James B Rives did this day appear before me and upon being privately and separately examined by me did declare that she does freely voluntarily and without any Compulsion dread or fear of any person or persons whomsoever renounce release and forever relinquish unto the within named Zebulon Rudolph his heirs and Assigns all her interest and estate and also all her Right and claim of dower of in or to all and singular the premises within mentioned and released Given under my hand and and seal this 17th day of April Anno domini 1824
(LS) John Lark J Q U {                        Anny Rives
{ Recorded 29 April 1829